Oxalis pes-caprae

English: Bermuda Buttercup - African Wood Sorrel - Bermuda Sorrel - Buttercup Oxalis
Nederlands: Knikkende klaverzuring
Español: Vinagreta - Gricos - Agrillo - Agrios - Agritos - Canario
Français: Oxalis des Bermudes - Oxalis pied de chèvre
Deutsch: Nickende Sauerklee - Niedriger Sauerklee

Family: Oxalidaceae - Wood Sorrel family
Flowering time: November-May
Height: 10-30cm
Colour: yellow
Leaves: in small rosettes at the soil surface, longstalked, leaflets heart-shaped
Habitat: cultivated land, waste places, road sides
Distribution: native to South Africa, naturalized in southern Great Britain and the Mediterranean region

Notes: Bermuda Buttercup flowers in winter and can be found in olive groves, vineyards, plantations and orchards. Considered an invasive species and noxious weed in Europe and in other parts of the world, including the United States, Israel and Australia.

Related key words: Andalucía, Andalusia, exotic species