Neottia ovata

English: Common Twayblade - Eggleaf Twayblade
Nederlands: Grote keverorchis
Español: Listera ovada - Yerba de dos hojas - Hierba de dos hojas
Français: Grande listère - Listère ovale - Double-feuille
Deutsch: Großes Zweiblatt

Family: Orchidaceae - Orchid family
Flowering time: May-July
Height: 20-45cm
Altitude: to 2100m
Colour: green, greenish-yellow
Flower: borne in a long slender spike, sepals and petals forming a loose hood, lip 7-15mm long
Leaves: two broad oval basal leaves, almost opposite, dull green, ribbed, 5–20 cm long
Habitat: woodland, scrub, grassy places, dune slacks, moorland
Distribution: most European countries
Synonym: Listera ovata

Notes: Although Common Twayblade is one of the commonest European orchids, it is a protected species in many countries. Neottia ovata is on the Dutch Red List, Belgium Red List and European Red List of vascular plants. It is also on the ´Lista de Especies amenazadas de Andalucía´.

Related key words: Rotterdam, Heemtuin Tenellaplas Rockanje, Sierra de Almijara, Granada, Andalucía, Andalusia, Andalusië