Tussilago farfara

English: Coltsfoot - Ass's foot - Bull's foot - Butterbur - Coughwort
Nederlands: Klein hoefblad
Español: Fárfara - Tusilago - Pie de caballo - Uña de caballo
Français: Tussilage farfara - Pas-d'âne
Deutsch: Huflattich

Family: Asteracea - Daisy family
Flowering time: February - May
Height: 7-25cm
Altitude: to 2800m
Colour: yellow
Leaves: basal, round-heart-shaped, shallowly lobed or toothed, appear after the flowers
Habitat: roadsides, damp habitats, embankments, hedgebanks, arable fields, sand-dunes, woodland margins, waste places
Distribution: throughout Europe

Note: Tussilago farfara is one of the first flowers to appear in the new year, usually in February. The flowers with narrow rays are pollinated by bees, flies and butterflies. The white, fluffy seed heads resemble dandelions. Coltsfoot spreads both by seed and rhizomes, allowing it to form large colonies. In Belgium Tussilago farfara is on the Red List of vascular plants

Related key words: Rotterdam, Crooswijkerzand, Kralingse Bos, Biesbosch, Isaba (Belagua), Rioseta (Canfranc), Molino de Aso (Fanlo), insect, butterfly